Expression of Interest for the Engagement of Draughtspersons for the Lands Authority – Re-issue

The Lands Authority, through this Expression of Interest (EOI), invites eligible candidates interested in being engaged in a contract for service of Draughtspersons for a task-based contract period.

The scope of the work of the engaged personnel shall be to carry out land and building surveying services and provide property drawings for structures within the Lands Authority portfolio.

The service shall commence upon the last signature on the Service Contract.

Remuneration shall be at a fixed price of €100 per Property Drawing (PD) submitted to the Lands Authority. Invoices shall be issued monthly and feature a list of the PDs completed accompanied by specific property reference numbers.

    1. Specific Objectives:
      1. To take internal and external measurements;
      2. To show each internal floor & external layout on each plan where applicable;
      3. To identify and indicate in the PD any existing servitudes, including third-party servitudes;
      4. To prepare property’s internal and external photographic report, including cross-referencing on plan;
      5. To prepare a status report whenever requested;
      6. To prepare drawings including plans of the properties measured. Sections and/or elevations may be requested whenever deemed necessary
        N.B. – The Authority reserves the right to request the preparation of any or all of the tasks mentioned above
    2. Quality and Details of the deliverables
      1. Electronic versions of site plans are provided by the Lands Authority
      2. All drawings are to be drawn to scale (1 unit 1 metre) in ACAD format and drawn on the Authority’s template showing the following:
        1. Complete title field primarily consisting of the property’s door numbers, door name, street name, etc;
        2. Both horizontal and vertical drawing scale bar shall be included (scale bars shall be provided by Lands Authority);
        3. Plans should include also the details of the adjacent properties, such as: door numbers, door names, street names, etc, as well as the distance from the nearest corner
    3. Eligibility
      1. Candidates shall be in possession of the following at the time of submission:
        1. MQF Level 6 in Construction / Civil Engineering with a minimum of 180 ECTSs or
        2. Be an AutoCAD Certified User
    4. Disclosure of Information
      1. All property drawings will be deemed the property of the Lands Authority, and no one is authorised to share, disclose, or use any related information regarding the assigned tasks either for personal or non-personal purposes.
    5. Applications
      1. Candidates should submit their expression of interest through a cover letter, a copy of a EuroPass Curriculum Vitae, including a summary of qualifications and experiences, and a scanned copy of any relevant certificates via [email protected].
        1. The engagement of Draughtspersons is at the discretion of the Selection Committee.
        2. The decision of the Selection Committee is final.
        3. Eligible candidates will be required to sit for an interview.
        4. Candidates shall be in possession of a VAT number.
        5. The selected candidates may be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
        6. Any queries should be sent by email to [email protected].


The Procurement Department
Lands Authority

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