Where is the property located and when can I look at it?
Government immovable property that is offered for lease or sale is located just about anywhere in Malta. Lands Authority sales and leases include any type of immovable property (other than residential units which are the realm of the Housing Authority) in both rural and urban areas including villa sites, residual plots, vacant land, garages, shops, office buildings and also airspace. Lands Authority specializes in sale of land parcels and vacant sites and in the lease of shops, garages and stores. An Invitation to Tender (ITT) is prepared for each property that is sold or leased in a public ITT. The ITT contains information on what the property is, including a property plan as well as a location plan to find where the property is. Should you require to view a property that is closed (i.e. a building as opposed to a site) an appointment for viewing the property may be arranged by phoning the Tenders Officer on telephone Number 22953122.