
What is an ad hoc resolution of the House of Representatives in relation to the disposal of government immovable property?

An ad hoc Resolution of the House of Representatives in relation to the  disposal of government immovable property is one in which Parliament itself approves the allocation of property to…

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My father had submitted an application under the Agricultural Land Scheme and has since passed away before the application was processed by the Lands Authority. Can the application be transferred to my father’s heirs?

Provided that your father qualified to be granted a lease under the Agricultural Land Scheme, then the Lands Authority will transfer the application to those members of the family that…

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I wish to transfer the land I applied for to my children. Can I do so?

No, you cannot transfer the land you applied for to your children before your application is processed by the Lands Authority.  Should your application be accepted however you may then…

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I lease agricultural land from Lands Authority but did not apply under the Agricultural Land Scheme. Will my lease be terminated?

No.  You already hold a valid legal title to the land and this cannot be terminated unless you break the conditions of the lease.  You will therefore continue to hold…

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The land I applied for has also been applied for by third parties. What shall happen to my application?

Your application cannot be processed until you and the other third party agree as to who is cultivating what land.  An agreement signed in front of a lawyer or notary…

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Can my application be rejected and if it is, what can I do?

Yes, there are a number of reasons why your application can be rejected.  Amongst other matters, these might include such factors as the land being the subject of a Government…

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What will happen when my application is processed?

As soon as your application is processed you will be informed by mail whether your application is to be rejected, whether it is being accepted or whether some other action…

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I had submitted an application under the Agricultural Land Scheme but despite the lapse of time I havent received any feedback on my application. Can Lands Authority lease the land in question to third parties even though I had applied for it?

In view of the very large number of applications that were received under the scheme, the laborious and technical nature of the work and also the limited human resources, the…

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I dont pay any rent for the land I cultivate which is Government-owned. Can I submit an application to be given a lease under the Agricultural Land Scheme?

No, no further applications under the Agricultural Land Scheme can be made after the closing date for applications.  You can still submit an application for the lease of the field…

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