
When was the closing date for applications under the Agricultural Land Scheme?

Applications under the scheme were received up to the end of February 2002.

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What is the Agricultural Land Scheme?

The Agricultural Land Scheme is a scheme that allowed cultivators of Government-owned agricultural land (including ex-Church property) to apply for a new lease under the benefits offered by the scheme.

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Does the Lands Authority make any distinction between different cases that have been reported upon?

To the Lands Authority all abuses of property should be controlled and no infringement of the law should be allowed.  This does not mean however that all cases of abuse…

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What can I do if no action was taken on a case of property abuse I had reported?

The Lands Authority is committed to investigate all reports that are submitted.  But it may be the case that: (i) the details submitted when the case was reported may not…

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How can I establish the conditions under which Government property has been leased?

The conditions governing leases of Government property are generally those shown in the specimen contracts published on our website. Obviously however particular contracts may have specific conditions applicable to the particular…

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Can a lane be privately owned?

Yes, there are cases where a lane was developed on private property for private use and in such cases lane is not Government-owned.

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How can I check whether a property I need to report upon is in fact Government-owned?

This is a very relevant question since the Department will still need to carry out research work to ensure Government ownership or otherwise of the propert reported – all this…

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When reporting a case, will my identity be divulged to the person whom I am reporting?

No, your identity will not be divulged. When reporting a case you can do this on a confidential and anonymous basis and nobody can identify you. On the other hand,…

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