Perit Joseph Scalpello
I received my education at the University of Malta from where I graduated as an architect and civil engineer in 1991 and at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne from…
William Wait
William is the Chairman of Malta Enterprise. Previously he held senior management positions with Toly Group and the Water Services Corporation. William also served on various Maltese Government Boards including…
Carlo Mifsud
Carlo Mifsud is specialised in Finance, Business Systems and General Management. He holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Henley Business School, University of Reading, in the UK and…
Dr. Odette Lewis
Dr. Odette Lewis is an architect and civil engineer, who has been practicing her profession since 2003. She provides consultancy services on infrastructure policy, planning and design. Odette is the…
Dr. Maria Cardona
Dr Maria Cardona twieldet nhar it-8 ta’ Dicembru tas-sena 1972 u tghix gewwa r-rahal ta’ Haz Zebbug flimkien maz-zewg uliedha Filippa u Isaac. Studjat gewwa l-Universita ta’ Malta u gradwata…
Dr. John Vassallo
Dr. John Vassallo graduated as Doctor of Laws at the University of Malta in January, 1982. He was born in 1956. He has been a practising Advocate at the Law…
C.V. Carmelo (Lino) Farrugia Sacco
Carmelo (Lino) Farrugia Sacco twieled il-Hamrun fit-22 ta’ Awissu, 1949 minn Anthony u Imelda nee’ Sacco. Hutu huma Anton u Marie Muscat. Mar skola tas-Sorijiet tal-Egittu, tal-Gvern tal-Hamrun, u wara…